
Showing posts from September, 2015

When you need a break

We all need a good rest at least once a year. Last year I wasn't lucky to spend holidays at a sea shore as I had been on a reabilitation. And this summer visiting resort was my number one point at "to do list". Month by month I had been feeling how stress was accumulated. I spent lots of time lost in reflection. About different stuff, but generally about future. When you don't feel you are on a right place, you try to change something in life and build further plans. But my plans vary almost every week, they are contradictiory and need planty of time to be realized. They need me to make great efforts, but instead of making first steps I considered other variants and options which didn't result in unambiguous solution... Don't spend to much time in reflection, it's a waste of energy and it creats diffidence and a fear of failure. ...So I spent my holidays in sunny Spain at a very lovely place not far from Barcelona. But first 3-4 days I couldn't rela