
Showing posts from 2014

Say Goodbye to the year 2014.

Hello, dear friends. I think it's time to say some words about the year 2014. So... It wasn't simple. All achievements came with great difficulty. And until the end of December some unsolved problems remained. I don't want to list everything that had happened during this mad year. So far I have mixed feelings. But if we talk about positive things I can say that I've finally got an interesting job and a possibility to return to the sport. I'd visited Europe four times, traveled a little in Russia and currently being in Lviv. Many important things had happened like graduation from the University and I had a surgery after 6 years of preparation. But I would not want to repeat the same year. I wish you a pleasant, gentle and very happy new year! Despite of all the political and economical difficulties that will definitely come don't stop keep moving towards your goals. I'm happy to breathe a sigh of relief finally because this new year I'm spending

Калининград. Kaliningrad. Königsberg.

The December has just become and it means that my beloved autumn is gone. I haven't mentioned some curious events that had happend. Pushing on to fill in the gap:) My "band of robbers" and me didn't stop getting acquainted with cities of Russia. And it had been decided that we should visit Kaliningrad. I prefer to call it Königsberg, sounds more german;) Having survived after twety-two hours trip by train and having crossed four borders we finaly got the destination. Oh, I need to notice that one of our friends dismounted from the train nearly midnight because his passport had expired! After our getting the Hostel (which was situated at the historical building) guys went on an adventure, practiced their English in order to find some places where hanging out and resulted in having a contact with pleasent gentlemen and his lovely dog:D  I had not got a clue how they found a craft to get up from the bed after a nap, but we started our t

Vyborg. Viipuri. Выборг, по-русски говоря!

Hyvää huomenta! Last weekend I spent with my lads in Vyborg (in different times it was Finnish Viipury and Swedish Viborg, but in 1944 it was taken by the Soviet Union). Our trip was a spontaneous offer, but we did it! It was full of fun, joks and tricks. And at the same time we had visited all main sights of Vyborg. In the early morning everything was foggy and I gave up a hope to get colourful photos. The weather changed about 14 o'clock on our way to Mon Repos park, it was sunny and even hot. One pleasent old man, which was a native finn, told us how to enter the park free:) The park has large territory, rocky landscape, rare fauna. Most of all I wanted to see the only medieval castle saved in Russia - Vyborg Castle . It is  a Swedish-built medieval fortress around which the town of Vyborg evolved. Currently it serves as a museum. N ow Vyborg Castle is seen as a unique monument of West European military architecture that was shaped by developments from th

The Best macarons in Moscow.

Not so long ago I've tasted French sweet meringue-baced confection - macaron. It's commonly filled with buttercream or jam between two biscuits and easily melts in the mouth. I had fall in love with this desert and decided to find the best one in Moscow! On the 5th place are macarons from cafe "Le Pain Quotidien". It's a very atmosphere cute small restaurant with amazing fresh croissants and coffee in cups with no handles, but two of four macarons were dryish and I like only pistachio one. The 4th place belongs to Coffeehouse where I've tried them first time. They are good, but for the same price you could try something better. At the Costa Coffee you can buy macarons set and it is more gentle and smooth in comparison with Coffeehouse, so I placed it at the 3rd place. Silver medal goes to the French bakery Paul! You can try one big macaron (vanilla, raspberries, chocolate and pistachio), it's filled with light cream, but at the same time it's v

Об ограничениях. Часть II

Поговорим еще о такого рода ограничениях, которые относятся к физиологическим потребностям человека. С них, пожалуй, и стоило начать, но слишком торопилась с публикацией предыдущего поста. Полезно было бы провести эксперимент по воздержанию от продуктов, содержащих сахар . Но боюсь в таком ключе эта задача для многих окажется невыполнимой, в том числе для меня. Сформулирую немного иначе. Пускай будут ограничения в сладком и мучном . Вот это уже более осуществимо. Помню, как однажды месяц не ела конфет, булочек и шоколад. На 32-ой день купила самую маленькую "Аленку", откусила от нее 1/10 часть и тот вкус показался мне самым восхитительным, что я когда-либо пробовала на земле! Вода, казалось, приобрела сладковатый вкус, чай вдруг раскрыл весь свой аромат, ушли лишние килограммы, но на ночь постоянно снились пончики, круассаны и маффины. Совсем отказывать себе в этом удовольствии больше не стала бы, иначе ходишь, жадным взглядом смотришь на все сладости, злишься, а кусочек

Об ограничениях. Часть I

Вчера мне попался блок статей, посвященных различным воздержаниям от чего-либо в течение месяца: от сладкого, развлечений, доступа к социальным сетям и т.д. Я проводила подобного рода эксперименты над собой, и всю ночь думала, а какой бы вызов бросить себе? Пусть не покажется странным, но один из первых пунктов - это сериалы (о них упоминалось в статьях). За последние пару лет они прочно вошли в нашу жизнь, их количество просто зашкаливает и все-то хочется оценить и посмотреть. У меня началось с "Как Я Встретил Вашу Маму", продолжилось "Теорией Большого Взрыва", затем "Декстер" и понеслось. На сегодняшний день количество просмотренных мною сериалов окажется в районе доброй двадцатки. Я искренне удивляюсь, когда узнаю, что человек ничего не слышал о том же HIMYM, Breaking Bad, Игре Престолов. "Что, даже Шерлока не смотрел(а)?!" - только и восклицаю. Да а чем же они плохо? Избавляют от необходимости подолгу выбирать фильм на вечер, интересные р

"The King is dead. Long live the King!" or Farewell to Summer

Listening to The Cure - The Last Day Of Summer on August 31 has become a good tradition. Most people are getting sad saying "Summer is a little life and now it's over". But I tell you that it's only the beginning :) ...How I love to walk in the city in a leather jacket, bundle up with a scarf and listen to my favourite melancholiс songs. And you never know when all of the beauty of Golden Autumn is gonna die. Every day could be the last one of a good warm weather and then dog days with wet and rains are coming. It is a time of thoughts, inspiration and building plans. And I believe all incredible things are happen to me this Autumn. ...Summer 2014 has become an important part of my life: some things had its end, some questions were sold. It was shown who are my true friends! And I've had enough time to think about prioroty things at present for me. Now my time is coming - my time is Autumn.

Simple Things

Within a week my life changed. It`s all because I finally had decided to undergo an operation for knee. Every day I feel better and better. And I`m so inspired of what I`ll be able to do again like at the good old days! But there had been some hard days when I could barely leave my bed or had a lunch - I physically had no strength for those simple things. I still lay every day - it needs a time for recover my health. And a rememeber those days when I was lazy or bored to do something. And I`m asking myself now: "What the hell I was lying in a bed and doing nothing but complaining of life?!" You have two hands, two legs, a head on your shoulders and 24 hours a day to make something important for you! It depends on you what to choose: to live or give up.

ColorFest in Moscow

There are so many different events in Moscow every weekend, so I decided not being lazy and visited one. On July the 13th ColorFest was held, it's like Holi festival in India. The main thing you have to do is colour each other with dry powder. I had bought at least five little bags of spices and with my friends we began a battle! Everyone had won it;) It was a celebration of love, friendship, smiles and summer. You could hug any person you want, there were no differences between mates and strangers - everyone belonged to everyone! Hug me, Free hugs, Kiss me, Slap my ass - guys, it was so funny:-D

Dobby is free!

I still can't believe that I've graduated from the University! I had been studying for 15 years and now I don't need to learn something, writing term papers or prepare for exams. When my work day is off I don't need to come back home and reading textbooks. I can do everything I want just for myself and this feeling is wonderful! As told examining board, I'd answered their questions very well and made an excellent speech. So I get my decerved straight A :-) It was a real holiday, maybe even better than my Birthday! Everyone have been celebrating me, writing messages. My mom and dad presented me flowers and a sweet cheese cake with a special inscription "To The Best Engineer!". Thanks to my friends and relatives for their support at that day and during last half year when I had been writing the diploma, sometimes I was groundlees irritable! I promise to become more easy to get on with;) P.S. The new chapter of my life has begun!

Friday the 13th

Hello, guys! What do you think about Friday the 13 th ? Do you believe that it is unlucky day? Cause for me it is not. Quite the contrary 13.06.2014 have become one of the happiest day lately! It started with rain…I’ve been to Helsinki four times and it was always raining no matter what the season it was. Kseniya and I decided to walk dawn to the Kaivopuisto Park, but we met one pleasant guy and went together to the Hard Rock Café! Time for beer:D Finally I got a chance to practice my speaking English. it wasn’t too hard, in a few minutes I had made my mind to conceive foreign language, and Tommy also helped me to remember some words, he joked a lot and was so kind so we couldn’t feel ourselves uncomfortable! It was a real pleasure to listen to him and talk about different things. To tell the truth I didn’t want to say goodbye to him, but it was the time to come back to Hotel and prepare for the show of magnificent The69Eyes! We’ve been waiting at the club for 2 hours for begin

Finish Line Just Ahead

"An ordinary day, but it never comes back" - with this thought I'm sitting at the office and typing a note. Finnaly the spring is over and I`ve survived! But the most nervous thing is yet to come. Every day I edit the text, expand my presentation and worry about diploma=( So many things I have to do, but time flies very quick! And in spite of this I'm still planning a little trip - sheer madness. Two weeks and I'll be finnaly free after five years of study at University. A little break and a homestretch. Wish me a good luck, I really need it now!

At the highest top.

Do you want to see Barcelona spread out before you? If it is, you have to get Tibidabo - the tallest mountain in the  Serra de Collserola. And it also will be a nice journey if you like something extraordinary.  At first you`ll make a trip by  The Tramvia Blau, which dates from 1901, - the survivor of the old Barcelona. It runs 1,276 metres up to the foot of the Tibidabo funicular, past Modernista and Noucentista buildings that give way to nature and splendid views of the city. After a rise on the funicular, which you will also enjoy because of stirring views, you`ll get the  amusement park. Don`t  grudge 2 euro for a ride on  Talaia. This emblematic ride, opened in 1921, will give you breath-taking views of Barcelona from a height of 550 metres (1500 feet) above sea level.  I`m not afraid of height, but I had my heart in my mouth! Standing at the highest top you feel like you own the world! P.S. If you don`t worry about your Iphone`s safety, you`ll get amazing pictures.

Just Bike it!

Barcelona is a bike-friendly city with more than 180 km of cycle lanes. It's the fastest and ecologically friendly way to get to know the city discovering more than on foot. So we took 2 bikes and moved around Barcelona as the locals do! It was pleasent to explore new hidden corners and well-known attractions from another side. In the end of our ride we drove to the harbour to enjoy the beautiful view of sun and sea which you don't find in rainy Moscow:)

Hello from Barcelona.

Ola, amigos! So nice to come back to Barcelona! Hope, the weather will be sunny like today:) The flight was very early, but pleasent and quick. After we had checked in our hotel, we slept for two hours and then went outside to explore neighborhood. It was a long walk through the main Avenue Diagonal with a little rest at cafe for a cup of latte. Now we are a little bit tired, but excited about tomorrow 's plan! Wish you great Sunday and a good night!


Hello, boys & girls! Such a perfect ending of working day and my vacation is starting right now:) I'm in a holiday mood and...Finaly I decided to create my first blog! There were two reasons. At first I need a place where I could freally share with my impressions, emotions and occurrences. And the second main reason is that I need more English practice. So it will be helpful to express my thoughts this way. In a few days I'm planning to make a trip to one of the most beautiful and impressive city, so I'll be glad to write something about it;) Feel free to comment and welcome! DZ