Калининград. Kaliningrad. Königsberg.

The December has just become and it means that my beloved autumn is gone.
I haven't mentioned some curious events that had happend. Pushing on to fill in the gap:)

My "band of robbers" and me didn't stop getting acquainted with cities of Russia. And it had been decided that we should visit Kaliningrad. I prefer to call it Königsberg, sounds more german;)
Having survived after twety-two hours trip by train and having crossed four borders we finaly got the destination. Oh, I need to notice that one of our friends dismounted from the train nearly midnight because his passport had expired!

After our getting the Hostel (which was situated at the historical building) guys went on an adventure, practiced their English in order to find some places where hanging out and resulted in having a contact with pleasent gentlemen and his lovely dog:D 

I had not got a clue how they found a craft to get up from the bed after a nap, but we started our tour program so early, that no cafe was opened! And first thing we had done was visiting the Museum of Amber (on an empty stomach). It was pretty nice, especially I was amazed by portraits of Russian writers and Immanuel Kant. There we had bought some jewelerry, made selfies and so on.

Then we had a brunch at Czech restaurant. Guys, of course, ordered beer and, of course, broke glasses! Haha... But shashlik was very tasty:) It didn't has glass shards inside:D

During the day we had visited Kant's Island, Fish village (looking like prewar Königsberg), Triumphal Arch and The House of Councils. It's worth to climb up the stairs to see the city from a roof. Amazing feelings and views and pictures! 

In the late evening the house party in the quadruple room was held. Some drinks, music and impressive dancing by Anastasia:)

The next day we moved to Baltiysk. Very cosy and small town. We reached the Western point of Russia delighting the striking prospect over sea. I'd like to come back there again to have a long walk coast-wise reflecting upon different things.

I can't say that Kaliningrad has amused me. The center there is being built up with grey standardizeds (or so-call Khrushchevki), and if you want to see some historical german buildings you should go on the outskirts. 

But I really enjoyed that trip, we had a big company, nice mood and lots of fun as it always happens:)


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