
As some of you may know recently I've started my career at Audiology department of Siemens (currently we are changing our name due to reorganization, but this is for better). And I'm honestly happy about this opportunity to work with professionals in a good team where I can grow and develop.
...My first visit to Germany took place in early December. I haven't mentioned that because, you know, in some cases I can be superstitious:) But that meeting really impressed me and ensured in a success of employment.

Erlangen 2014
This time I was invited to the training as a full employee. So, last week I spent in Erlangen and Nuremberg. It was very useful, a lot of new information, stories of from practice, upcoming plans and much more. On Wednesday we had a free evening. The weather was so great that I enjoyed the walk around the city visiting the castle, main squares and churches. What is Nuremberg? It was an early centre of humanism, science, printing. It's the "industrial heart" of Bavaria now. And for many people is still associated with its traditional gingerbread (Lebkuchen) products, sausages, and handmade toys. "Must see" when travelling by Germany:)


View from Nuremberg Castle


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